Service Time

Sunday School – 9:15

We offer a Sunday School class for adults each Sunday morning. The class is taught by Pastor Bob Arnold and by his wife Giovanna Arnold. We are currently studying the book of Romans. We employ both lecture and discussion to help us get our hearts and heads around the text.

Worship – 10:45

We offer a traditional worship service in the sanctuary. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every Sunday morning. We also have a focus on getting into scripture and Christ’s way.

Childcare is available during the worship service.

You may also join our worship anytime, through the links in the Service Videos tab. These services are available as a livestream on Sunday morning or as a recorded video anytime.

Silent Home Bible Study

Pastor Bob provides a written home Bible Study for those who want to get into the Biblical wisdom for current day living. You may have the Bible Study emailed to you or snail mailed to you, as works best for you. Simply contact the church office and provide your contact information. You will not regret joining the study.